Why SEO and social media are both important tools for enticing customers to a hotel

Websites have become something important for hotel companies to invest in to ensure they reach a wide range of customers. Direct bookings on a site are very important to firms as they provide better profits than if they need to give commission to OTAs or Online Travel Agencies. Creating a responsive site is generally a wonderful idea for hotel companies as this means they do not have to create separate tablet, mobile and desktop versions of the site. The website actually adapts to whatever screen is being used to research a hotel or purchase a room, and the content is viewed in a way that it is completely readable.

This is clearly a great idea as travellers in this modern digital age are constantly changing the device they are using during the research and buying period. Mobile phones are the most commonly used device during the research period, so companies should definitely make sure the website is smartphone-friendly. A responsive design is actually brilliant for great SEO or Search Engine Optimization as customers get the details they want in the format they need. Major search engines such as Google actually take note of this and hotel websites are then bumped up the rankings to achieve a decent position online.

This will clearly help increase bookings as there will be a greater amount of web traffic that heads to the site from the search engines. Of course what is needed then is for a website to be attractive to customers and entice them to make a booking. Having the right web design is very important and maintaining the site is crucial to ensure travellers like what they see. A top booking engine provider is needed to offer a wonderful reservation engine that will allow tourists to book a room online quickly. A website also has to include relevant and interesting content, pretty pictures and include attractive colours that will entice tourists.

A website has to be amazing but what also has to be worked on is the social media aspect of a hotel company. Businesses must sign up to the most popular platforms including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. This is a wonderful way to interact with guests as well as offer special deals and packages. Companies must also create a solid revenue management for hotels plan for firms to work out if their spending on advertising is actually worth the money. Hotels must save money wherever they can and if a paid advertising campaign has not brought in extra bookings, then it should be cancelled in the future.

Companies must definitely turn to the fantastic experts at Booking Direct who will help drive web traffic onto the site. Creating a stunning website is obviously a necessary part of the process but having an excellent SEO strategy is definitely vital for success. Great SEO management is crucial to improve a site’s ranking on major search engines. Potential customers need to get onto the website and once they do then hopefully they will like what they see and book a room. The workers at Booking Direct will help firms create a number of superb social media profiles that will make will help them reach out to new customers.


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