Fergus Brandon

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Explore the spooky side of Cambridge

England is home to some of the spookiest spots in the world, ranging from haunted castles to abbeys where spirits of the long departed roam. If you are one who has an interest in the paranormal and mysterious one of the best places to explore on Halloween is Cambridge.

Yes, like other ancient cities of England the city has its fair share of haunting and ghost sightings. Halloween is also that time of the year when you look for the best hotel deals in Cambridge.

A good choice in terms of price and facilities is The Tamburlaine hotel, a four star property known for its luxurious ambience and excellent facilities.

Some of the spookier spots to check out in Cambridge are:

Corpus Christi:
It has earned a name as one of the scariest colleges in town. From the college symbol of a pelican chewing on its own fluff to feed its chicks, to tales of new students having to drink from the...

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Castle Acre and Priory

Castle Acre is a small village in Norfolk which is predominantly known for the remains of the castle and priory which can be found here. It is one of the finest examples of a planned Norman settlement across the whole of the UK and so it is no surprise that it attracts thousands of visitors each year.

The castle is little more than a medieval ruin though it was once an impressive motte and bailey castle, founded by William de Warenne in 1070. Even in its ruined state, it is classed as a Grade I listed building and is considered one of the finest examples of this type of castle, from this period in history making it well worth a visit. It is also worth noting that the Bailey Gate, one of two stone gatehouses, is also a remarkable addition to the castle and was part of the castle’s earthwork defences. From The Harper North Norfolk hotel it would take just over half an hour to reach...

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Why a brilliant hotel booking engine can help a company to get greater reservations

Hotel firms need to work hard on a number of issues concerning their website including the design and content. One of the most crucial things to get right is the online booking engine that has to be easy to use and quick to navigate. Firstly including a booking engine on the hotel website is necessary as it used to be the case that companies would create an online site without one. In this modern digital age it is also expected that accommodations include a reservation engine on their site, so that customers from around the world can book at any time. Firms should also have a brilliant mobile website with a first-class booking engine.


This is because tourists are increasingly using smartphones and tablets to make their hotel bookings. Hoteliers need to make sure they have a top booking engine provider with all the right features to entice travellers to make their reservation. A hotel...

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Why marketing their brand will help hotel companies to get a higher amount of guests

Concentrating on brand identity is important for hotel firms who want to get ahead of their rivals in the competitive travel market. Companies advertising their brand will need to put across their particular ethos online to get the attention of customers. This does not mean firms need to spend a large chunk of their marketing budget, as there are many cheaper options available to advertise. In this modern digital age it is important for hotel businesses to be able to get ahead of their immediate competitors. This can only be done if they really understand their company, and the message they want to put out to potential travellers.

There are many digital marketing solutions that can be used to encourage customers to head to a hotel website. One of the most important things for an accommodation is to seek out positive online reviews. This can be easily sourced from existing customers who...

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Events at the British Library of London

With the advent of the coming months the British Library has a number of events which have been already been aligned in case there are any plans to be here in the city it is best to know about these as far as possible.

Gay UK: Love, Law and Liberty

A beautiful way of explicitly showcasing how the society has purged itself and come of age the exhibition is free for all and the story dates back to as old as the eighteenth century times while the gay men were sentenced to death but as we are in this era were the society has been sensitised about their rights we are to see this evolution in the form of this exhibition.
The story will be told in many folds starting from the way the public testimony had been filed then how there has been a public protest which was extended support from other parts of the society what were the battles being fought for the gay men for understanding their...

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London Galleries some new explorations

David Zwirner Gallery

One of the best contemporary art gallery which has been built during the year of two thousand and twelve although the creator David Zwirner had opened the first gallery in the city of New York in the Soho area but with the advent of its success they got the chance to open another gallery in the city of London. The place is well structured and on different occasions there are fairs which are held at the London centre. During one of the fairs that was organised by the sponsors few of my friends who were staying at the Montcalm Hotel London City they were amazed to see such a wide variety of paintings showcased here, Along with fairs they also hold exhibitions some are for dedicated artists others are a launch pad for the new genre who love to showcase their style of art, some of my friends who are deeply interested in these kind of paintings they have been here...

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Discover the secret seven places in London

London is one of the top cities in the world offering tourists, visitors, and Londoners with something to explore for all of their days in the city. London is a land of surprises for those who are on the look out for some awesome adventures. We offer you the perfect guide to some of the top intriguing places in the city. Make your weekends in the city one of thrills and excitement.

While most of them are expensive, there are also places in the city which are open to the public for free or at very reasonable prices. These intriguing places are hidden and you have to explore the city to find them. Plan your day and check all of these places out. These spots are some of the few hidden gems in the city. Most of the use would not have believed them to have been in existence and they can be found in the places we least expect them to be at.

You can explore the trails of the secret seven...

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11 Places to Barbecue In London

London does not fall short of anything to entertain its tourists, who come to the city in large numbers. From the Royal Palaces to the Royal Restaurants, the city is full to its brim with alluring tourist places, many of which have become the favourite of tourists. Boasting an impressive and entertaining nightlife which is showcased by places such as VIP Lounge, SeOne, Heaven, Fabric, there are hundreds of spots to spend your holiday in London.


The beautiful attractions such as the Victoria and Albert Museum, the Natural History Museum, Tate Modern Art gallery, Science Museum, the British Museum. The city boasts some impressive architecture such as the Houses of Parliament, Sloane’ House, the Tower of London, Albert Hall, Buckingham Palace and St Paul’s Cathedral. London has won the hearts of its tourists because of its Royal Palaces, Thames, restaurants, cafes, bars, beaches...

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Money Saving Tips for People Visiting London

Paradoxical as they may seem, the facts that London is the most visited country in the world with more people visiting it than any other city in the world and that it is one of the most expensive cities on this globe, there is a plausible explanation. There is no denying the fact that London has a plethora of attractions and things to do that attract people from all across the world. It is also quite costly to stay, move around and visit attractions and yet people flock to this city in their millions each year. This is because the city offers different ways in which visitors can save money without upsetting their plans. Given below are some of these money-saving tips.

Get an Oyster Card:
Moving around in London even by using public transport is way more expensive than in other cities of the world but you can save money by getting yourself an Oyster Card travel smartcard that can be...

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Bridging the divide between past and present

London is full of attractions, from the historical to the modern, from family fun to a wild night life. Whatever you are looking for, the vibrant city of London has it in spades. The architecture of this ancient city stands juxtaposed with modern designs and, in between the palaces, government buildings and other iconic edifices, stand the many bridges that offer easy access over the famous River Thames. The oldest bridge in London can be found in Hammersmith in the West and was opened in 1827. The first suspension bridge over the great river, Hammersmith bridge quickly became an attractive vantage point for watching the famous annual boat race between the university crews of Oxford and Cambridge.


Hammersmith Bridge is not the sturdiest of structures and the original bridge was replaced in 1887 when the Prince of Wales unveiled St Joseph Bazalgette’s ornate structure. The bridge only...

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