Visit the Montcalm spa for a hot stone massage


London is home to some wonderful spa hotels, a great way to enjoy a wealth of health and beauty benefits, when on holiday in the city. Spas are no longer the exclusive preserves for the wealthy and famous, as now their benefits can be enjoyed by everyone, who needs to unwind and de-stress.
The city has some excellent chain hotels like the Montcalm group of hotels, located in and around central London.

Guests staying at the Montcalm Royal London House Hotel at Finsbury Square can visit the spa at the hotel offering a variety of spa package deals.
Among the many health and wellness treatments on offer at the spa, hot stone massage treatments are among the most popular. Let us examine some of the hot stone massage benefits in brief:


Hot stone massage: This is a kind of massage therapy that helps to relax taut muscles and sore body tissues all through the body. The stones are mainly volcanic rock and made of basalt known for its heat retention properties. These are placed on different areas of the body like the stomach, chest, face, spine, feet and palms. The therapist uses heated stones using different massage techniques like kneading, vibration, circular movements and long strokes etc. At times cold stones may also be used to soothe the skin.

Some of the health benefits include:


Relieve muscular stress: One of the most effective ways to relieve pain and soreness is by applying heat to the affected area. It helps to improve the circulation of blood in the area and this soothes the pain and stress. It can help to decreases muscular spasms, improve flexibility etc. Cold stones are used to decrease inflammation. Subject to the client’s symptoms, the therapist might alternate between hot and cold stone massages.


Decreases stress: Research has shown that massage as a therapy is effective in reducing stress levels in the body. Studies show that just a 10-minute massage assists in better cardiovascular responses. Another study done proves that having a 15-minute massage helps to lower anxiety and stress considerably. Patient that have has colorectal surgery have had less pain and anxiety when they received regular massages after the operation.


Better sleep: A medical review has shown that massage is one of the best alternatives to popping sleeping pills, for those that suffer from insomnia. Back massages, in particular, bought about relaxation and induced sleep. Another study carried out with infants as the subjects found that giving infants a 15-minute massage helped to put them to sleep quicker. It also made the infant much more active and positive when they were awake. It is confirmed that massage helps in improved sleep patterns, although the exact reasons are not known as yet.


May help improve autoimmune disease symptoms: While further research needs to be done in this area, it is thought that hot stone massage may alleviate painful symptoms like fibromyalgia. As per research done individuals suffering from fibromyalgia that had a 30-minute massage has fewer trigger points and slept longer.


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