Little-Known Facts about the Houses of Parliament

One of the most intriguing places in London, the Houses of Parliament, which is the New Palace of Westminster, combines spectacular architecture and great history. It is located adjacent to Westminster Abbey and is also historically linked to it. The top ten facts about the Houses of Parliament are mentioned below.
Colour Coding
It is a colour coded building with gold meant for areas used by the Monarch, red for the Lords, and green for the Commons.

The United Kingdom does not have a single document outlining a written constitution and as such the operations of the Parliament can easily change, in the absence of clear-cut rules. However, Parliament makes all the laws that even courts can’t set aside, making Parliament absolutely sovereign.

Historic Scenes on Walls
The Victorians had hired artists to decorate the rooms with historical scenes so that visitors to the Parliament become aware of British history. However, there are a few mistakes in the ante room of the Lords, such as Anne Boleyn being shown as a buxom blonde although she was slim and dark haired.
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Role of Speaker
The Speaker of the House of Commons, with his three deputies, has a crucial role of keeping their fellow MPs in order. All debates are done through him and he decides who will take the floor at every moment.
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Lord Speaker
The role of the Lord Speaker in the House of Lords is much more limited than of the Speaker in the House of Commons. Members of the House of Lords decide amongst themselves who speaks and in which order.

Bombing of House of Commons
During the Second World War, the Chamber of the House of Commons was bombed leading to its destruction. It was refurbished with contributions from all the countries of the British Commonwealth.

Voting in Parliament
In the House of Commons, members choose the ‘Aye’ or the ‘No’ lobby by getting up from their seats and in the House of Lords the members choose between ‘Content’ or ‘Not Content’, for a vote.

Parliamentary Debates
Any ordinary person can listen to Parliamentary debates from the galleries or even sit in on committees but entrance is on ‘first come, first served’ basis. However, any unruly behaviour is strictly dealt with.

State Opening of Parliament
The Monarch only comes to the Parliament once a year for this event and can only go as far as the Throne in the House of Lords. The Prime Minister’s legislative programme for the next year is set out in a speech that is read out by the Monarch.

Big Ben
Big Ben actually refers to the hour bell which hangs inside Parliament’s clock tower. It weighs more than thirteen tons.


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