Bizarre things found only in London

If you are looking for a holiday destination this summer look no further than London, the capital of the UK. One of the largest metropolises on the planet London is a world-class city and home to some of the most famous landmarks in the world. From its stately palaces to the finest museums, London has a fascinating variety of attractions to visit on a holiday in the city.

Summer is the busiest tourist season with millions of visitors travelling to the shores of the city. Finding suitable accommodation at short notice could be a bit of a challenge, so it is best to make hotel bookings well in advance of your trip. Location wise a park lane hotel would be ideal to stay in central London.

The montcalm hotel london
offers the best of luxury accommodation and amenities at very attractive prices and is close to most of the major attractions in the heart of the city.

Some of the more unusual things you will find in the city include:

Trafalgar Square Fountains.jpg

Odd creatures on Trafalgar Square Fountains: The first thing to catch your eye when you visit Trafalgar Square is its dolphins. Sir Edwin Lutyens designed the square as a replacement for the previous fountains designed by Sir Charles Barry (moved to Canada). The fountains honour the memory of WWI naval heroes Earl Beatty and Earl Jellicoe. Because of the outbreak of WWII, the fountains were officially unveiled to the public in 1948. Some of the unique creatures include Sir Thomas Wheeler’s sculpted eastern fountain with a mermaid and the other William McMillan sculptured fountain features Tritons (male counterparts of mermaids), with sharks and dolphins as well.

Weeping Lamp Post: Trafalgar Square has another oddity in the form of a lamp post found at Northumberland Avenue. When it received a fresh coat of paint a speck of paint ran down the cheek of the cherub sculpture that resembles a teardrop. A twin lamp post also sits atop the Mall near Admiralty Arch.

Musical Grave: While this may seem like sacrilege towards the departed, the grave in question is for a man with a wacky sense of humour. Visit King’s Cross and you will find the grave of a man considered the founder of buffoonery and modern-day clowns. Joseph Grimaldi’s grave has become a sort of pilgrimage spot for clowns who make a beeline to visit his burial site. His actual burial spot is traditional with decorative rails, flowers and a headstone. The park in which the grave lies had a new addition in the form of an art installation in 2010. The new art piece features twin coffin resembling sets of bronze tiles that emit sounds when anyone steps on them. It seems like a befitting tribute to a man who spent his life entertaining the public!

During the month of February, there even is a yearly church service for clowns that commemorates Grimaldi with many clowns in costume attending the event. Just a select few of the many oddities you can find across London!


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